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*Please note, if you do not have qualifications in pest control, we will not sell this product to you*
Contains: 0.0025 % Difenacoum & 0.0025 % Bromadiolone
Application: Indoors and outdoors (around buildings)
Controls: Rats & Mice
Application method: ready-to-use bait to be used in tamper-resistant bait stations or in covered and protected baiting
points (indoors and outdoors)
Application rates and frequency:
For the control of house mice (Mus musculus) – for use indoors and outdoors around buildings:
- High infestation: up to 50 g of bait per baiting point every 2 metres;
- Low infestation: up to 50 g of bait per baiting point every 5 metres;
For the control of brown rats (Rattus norvegicus) for use indoors and outdoors around building, in open areas and waste dumps:
- High infestation: up to 100 g of bait per baiting point every 5 metres;
- Low infestation: up to 100 g of bait per baiting point every 10metres;
Remove the remaining product at the end of treatment period (except when directly applied into burrows). Sites under
a permanent baiting regime should be inspected regularly in accordance with product label directions. The period
between visits should be determined by the technician in charge but will not be longer that every four weeks when
permanent baiting is conducted outdoors. For permanent baiting follow any additional instructions provided by the
CRRU Guidance on Permanent Baiting.
For outdoor use: protect bait from atmospheric conditions. Place the baiting points in areas areas not liable to flooding.
Replace any bait in baiting points in which bait has been damaged by water or contaminated by dirt.
Read and follow the product information as well as any information accompanying the product
or provided at the point of sale before using it. Carry out a pre-baiting survey of the infested area and an on-site
assessment in order to identify the rodent species, their places of activity and determine the likely cause and the extent
of the infestation. Remove food which is readily attainable for rodents (e.g. spilled grain or food waste). Apart from this,
do not clean up the infested area just before the treatment, as this only disturbs the rodent population and makes bait
acceptance more difficult to achieve. The product should only be used as part of an integrated pest management (IPM)
system, including, amongst others, hygiene measures and, where possible, physical methods of control.
The product should be placed in the immediate vicinity of places where rodent activity has previously occurred (e.g.
rodent runs, nesting sites, holes, burrows etc.). Where possible, bait stations must be fixed to the ground or other
structures. Bait stations must be clearly labelled to show they contain rodenticides and that they must not be moved
or opened. Bait should be secured so that it cannot be dragged away from the bait station. Place the product out of the
reach of children, birds, pets and farm animals and other non-target animals. Place the product away from food, drink
and animal feeding stuffs, as well as from utensils or surfaces that have contact with these.
Wear protective chemical resistant gloves during product handling phase