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Deadline Difenacoum Whole Wheat 10kg

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*Please note, if you do not have qualifications in pest control, we will not sell this product to you*

Deadline Difenacoum Whole Wheat is a ready to use, loose grain rodenticide.

  • Suitable for the control of rats and mice
  • For use in and around buildings and in sewers
  • Perfect for use in our range of bait stations, to help keep secure place into a bait tray.

Active Ingredients: Difenacoum 0.005% w/w

Availability: In stock

Application: In and around buildings and in sewers



A thorough survey of the infested area is essential, particularly in secluded and sheltered places, to determine the extent of infestation. Always read the label before use and follow the instructions provided. Wear suitable personal protective equipment such as gloves and when decanting the product wear suitable respiratory protective equipment (disposable filtering facepiece respirator to at least EN149 FFP2 or equivalent). Bait labels must be affixed to any decanting bucket or vessel into which the bait is transferred prior to its placement at bait points. Do not decant product into unlabelled containers. Store in original container. 

FOR RATS: Use up to 200g of bait, in bait stations or covered bait points, every 5 metres for high infestations and every 10 metres for low infestations, as a guide. In sewers, secure up to 200g of bait per baiting point to available structures to ensure the bait is not washed away.

FOR MICE: Use up to 50g of bait, in bait stations or covered bait points, every 5 metres for high infestations and every 10 metres for low infestations, as a guide.

Always protect baits well so as to protect from the prevailing weather and to prevent access by humans, domestic animals and wildlife. Place bait where rodents are active, in runs or near harbourages. Inspect baiting points at appropriate intervals and replenish bait as necessary until no more bait is taken. For high infestations, revisit within the first 7 days and then fortnightly until the infestation is under control, as a guide. Thereafter, revisit as necessary. For low infestations, revisit within the first 7-10 days, as a guide. Thereafter, revisit as necessary. The resistance status of the rodent population to Difenacoum should be taken into account when considering the choice of rodenticide to be used. Where resistance to Difenacoum has been shown or is suspected, resistant management strategies should be employed.

PUBLIC AREA USE: When tamper resistant bait stations are used, they should be clearly marked to show they contain rodenticides and that they should not be disturbed. Unless under the supervision of a pest control operator or other competent person, do not use anticoagulant rodenticides as permanent baits. In most cases, anticoagulant bait should have achieved control within 35 days. Should activity continue beyond this time, the likely cause should be determined. 

CRRU Certification is required for all professional pest controllers to purchase rat and mouse poisons.

To be used only by professional users holding certification demonstrating compliance with UK rodenticide stewardship regime requirements.
Read the label before use. Using this product in a manner that is inconsistent with the label may be an offence. Refer to the CRRU UK Code of Best Practice (or equivalent) for guidance.
When this product is supplied to a user for the control of rodents, it shall only be supplied to a professional user holding certification demonstrating compliance with UK rodenticide stewardship regime requirements.

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