This product requires certification to purchase.
If you have an approved account, please sign-in to purchase this product.
If you hold certification but haven't got an account yet please contact us by one of the methods below:
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*Please note, if you do not have qualifications in pest control, we will not sell this product to you*
Christmas Offer 9
Buy Deadline Tracking Gel, Get 100 LED UV Torch HALF PRICE
Offer Ends: 31/12/24
Buy Deadline Tracking Gel, Get 100 LED UV Torch HALF PRICE
Deadline fluorescent tracking gel is your ideal option for tracking rodents such as rats and mice.
This extremely high quality Ultra-Violet torch contains 100 LED light that emit up to 10 times more light than other UV torches. The wide and super bright beam makes inspecting areas quicker and easier. This is ideal for use with rodent tracking products such as Tracking Dust & Tracking Gel and with biomarker baits such as Talon Glow or Detex.
Offer Ends: 31/12/24